$447.00 USD

PainHacker's Guide: The Core Sciatica and Hip Pain Protocol

PainHacker's Guide: The Core Sciatica and Hip Pain Protocol

The syndrome informally called sciatica is poorly understood by almost everyone. Travell & Simons point out that sciatica is not a diagnosis - the term is only descriptive of a pattern of pain that may involve hip, gluteal, low back and radiating leg pain. In particular, there is no assumption of sciatic nerve involvement, or neurological origins of any kind.

While at times these complaints may result from lumbar nerve impingement or compression of the sciatic nerve, these are by far in the minority. These pain patterns are generally muscular in origin. In this course, we show you how to analyze and find the true source of the issue, what muscles are generally involved, how to treat them in what order and in what combination with other muscles.

There is a core set of muscles that are responsible for the vast majority of lower body complaints and low back pain. Symptoms of dysfunction may manifest in different ways, but the same muscles tend to be consistently involved. We have identified the most important muscles that will allow you to be successful with a high percentage of the lower body pain cases that you will see.

There is a constellation of related complaints that aren't normally associated, but we have discovered the common pattern that links all of them. These are some of the most common and persistent complaints that you will come across. We see many clients who have had a life-disturbing sciatic pain pattern for 10 years or more. It interferes with their sleep, their ability to exercise, and makes simple movements like walking difficult.

Many of the following symptoms will be very familiar. What is very surprising to most people is that all of these may easily derive from a common core pattern that you will learn as part of this course:

  • Sciatica
  • Hip Pain
  • Gluteal Pain
  • Trochanteric Bursitis
  • Sacral Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • IT Band Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Ankle Pain
  • Groin Pain

In the Coaching The Body™ method, proper analysis is the key to everything. Unless you find the common source of seemingly unrelated complaints, you'll be chasing symptoms and not giving your clients true relief. This course is a gold mine of analytical insight for sciatic pain.

PLEASE NOTE: This material is covered in the CTB Membership Foundation Bundle, so there is no need to purchase this course if you're already a member. 

Upon successful completion of the test, you will receive credit for 12 NCBTMB-approved CEs.

We show you the assessments and tests that will reveal the source of your client's muscular dysfunction and pain pattern. You will learn the best treatment order for the muscles related to sciatica, how to work with their functionally-related muscle groups, what techniques to use, self care ideas, corrective exercise and more:

  • You will learn a few simple tests that will assess which muscles are sourcing your client's pain
  • Corrections that address modified gait, hyperpronation and leg length issues.
  • Why it's usually a waste of time to "roll your IT band" or stretch it.
  • Basic anatomical variations that are very common and potent perpetuators of trigger points
  • The best techniques to use for heavy, tight legs and hips.
  • Learn how to address sciatica in a single session, even if it's been present for many years.
  • Self-care techniques to keep the hips and legs pain-free
  • If a serious pain issue does recur, give your client ways to address it.
  • Why much low back pain is extremely easy to treat if you know where to look
  • Learn a small set of muscles that if mastered, account for a huge percentage of lower-body pain
  • Understand the tight connection between feet and hips
  • Help many clients avoid expensive, invasive and unnecessary back surgeries